[board-unyoc] Update from the Exec Chair

VBMClibrary vbmclibrary at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 09:22:20 EDT 2019

Hello Everyone,
Happy Friday!
Checking the responsibilities of the Executive Chair and the timeline for
when things need to be accomplished, there are several items of business
that require our collective attention:
1. We need to form a nominating committee to identify willing members to
serve on the Board.  Work will all be done via email and/or phone calls.
Committee consists of the Chair, VC/Chair-elect, and 2 others - one from
Ontario and one from New York.  If you'd like to serve, or if you know
someone who might like to serve, please let me or Lorraine know ASAP.  This
was due March 1st (eek!)
2. There used to be a membership committee and a communications committee.
Now we have co-chairs for both of those areas to cover the
responsibilities.  Procedure manual needs to be updated to reflect that
change.  So, Ginger and Rachel (communications) and Liz and Rita
(membership), please look at the procedure manual and send updated wording
to Deb C. so she can make the appropriate edits.
3. Everyone - take a look at your section of the procedure manual for
updates or edits needed.  I'd prefer we share updates and get the grunt
work done before June so all we have to do that the meeting is approve it.
4. Great progress has already been made for this year's annual meeting.
We've secured a keynote speaker and a guest speaker and now the rest of the
work can be done by the conference planning committee. Yeah!
5. Any updates from you all?  I have to submit a report to MLA by April 1st
of our chapter activities.

Mary Jo

Mary Jo Russell, MLS, AHIP
Knowledge Resources Library & Archives
Vassar Brothers Medical Center/Health Quest
vbmclibrary at gmail.com
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