[BURNECHO] ECHO Announcements and Year End Wrap Ups

Deidre Keefe KeefeD at upstate.edu
Fri Dec 17 16:23:34 EST 2021


Well we made it to the final two clinics of 2021!  What an amazingly busy and productive year we have had here with ECHO.  I want to thank everyone for your attendance, support, kind words, and flexibility.

There are a few VERY IMPORTANT things I need to share before we wrap up our year.

First, we have two clinics left (BURN 12/17 and OBGYN 12/28). Both of these can be found on the weekly ECHO Calendar that is attached.  I will not be sending on next Friday as it is a holiday.

Next, we received a two mini grants to hold a few ECHO session on Comprehensive Cancer Care.  We will be doing a 2 clinic series on Lung Cancer Screenings and also a clinic on pediatric and adult survivorship and how to transition care back to the PCP.  We REALLY need a good turn out at these session for the DOH.  I beggggg of you to add these to your calendar and join us!  There are flyers for each session attached and they are on the master calendar:

Lung Cancer Screening Sessions

  *   Wednesday 1/5/22  - 12 PM
  *   Wednesday 1/19/22 – 12 PM

Survivorship Session

  *   2/9/22 – 12 PM

Third, we are hoping to add and rejuvenate some clinics in 2022 (Keep your eyes open for a return from Geriatrics this summer!). We are also looking to add a Trauma ECHO.  As we have done in the past, I feel it is best to make sure we are hitting the topics you are in need of.  Please take this brief survey to let us know which of the outlined topics would have appeal!


Also attached is the master calendar that takes a look at all clinics from January through March.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy holiday season.


Deidre Keefe (she/her), MS, CHES
Project Manager, ECHO
Office of the President
Phone: 315.464.7861/315.481.5620 (C)
keefed at upstate.edu<mailto:keefed at upstate.edu>

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