[CMF] CMF EVENT 4/19/11 @ 5:30 pm

Glenn Maas maasg at upstate.edu
Tue Apr 5 21:00:16 EDT 2011

Nkechi if you could forward so the people not on the list serve could get
this that would be great.

Hey Guys,

I hope you are doing well.  First years keep, keeping at it and you will do
fine on your test on Friday.  I just wanted to write and tell you that Dr.
Gene Bailey has agreed to speak at an event on 4/19/11 at 5:30 on *Serving
the Under-served overseas and in our backyard*.  I think it is going to be
really good and am really excited to hear him talk about the new clinic that
is Lord willing going to open in January 2012.   We need to do some
advertising for this event and get it on the schedule so we can keep our
status as a club but I will try to delegate some of that stuff at the next
meeting (or at least until after the test on Friday.)

In other news if you want  to hear a preview about this new christian clinic
with a mission statement "*That we are a faith-based primary care practice
that will provide full scope family medicine but also will be sharing the
love and good news of Jesus Christ.**"*   Which is a very exciting
proclamation. This coming Monday April 11th at 7pm there is going to be a
meeting at Dr. Bailey's (and Joe's) church to talk about this ministry and
some of its needs.  We have been invited to come to this meeting and hear
about what God is doing.  So I am planning to go and I hope that some of you
guys will be able to go as well.  For the first years and (2nd years that
are staying here in Frozen Syracuse) Dr. Bailey is hoping to provide
opportunities for us to be involved at this clinic both as medical students
and as witnesses for Jesus Christ.  Ok, I'm excited and hope you are too.
So let me know if you would like to go with me on Monday to the meeting.
Dr. Bailey has graciously offered to pick us up and bring us back from the
meeting if you need a ride.  So let me know and we will go from there.
Happy studying to all of you.

In His Grip,

~Glenn Maas
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