[Cwb-roc-cc-utility] Electrical Power Interruption Notice for the Week of May 10th

Mary E. Lent LentM at upstate.edu
Thu May 6 14:50:34 EDT 2021

Upstate is needing to switch some of our electrical loads off of Temple 59 to allow National Grid to do work safely on this feed. The effects of this outage are listed below for each building affected.

Monday May 10th

TU3 and TU4 from 6:00 am to 7:00 am

Switching for both of these buildings will occur between the hours of 6:00 am and 7:00 am. Both buildings will be on one feed during this outage.

  *   Normal power will see a brief power outage while we switch to the alternate feed.
  *   Emergency power will be available while we conduct switching.

Tuesday May 11th

Cancer Center from 6:00 am to 7:00 am

Switching will occur between the hours of 6:00 am and 7:00 am. The building will be on one feed during this outage.

  *   Portions of the buildings normal power will see a brief power outage while we switch to the alternate feed.
  *   Emergency power will be available while we conduct switching.

West Garage from 6:00 am until work is completed by National Grid later that day

  *   The West Garage will be on emergency power only until work is completed by National Grid.
  *   All normal power lighting, outlets and equipment will see a loss of power at roughly 6:00 am and will be off until power is restored later that day. There will be limited lighting throughout the garage including stairwells.
  *   All 3 elevators will be out of service until power is restored.

550 Harrison

550 Harrison will see a blip in the power when National Grid switches to their alternate feed.

Sensitive patient care equipment should be plugged into red outlets. Any non-critical office equipment or computers should be turned off in advance of this outage.

The main hospital, East Wing, East Tower and other Campus buildings will not be affected by this outage.

If you have any questions or require clarification of this notice, please contact Aaron Petty at 315-956-9056.

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