[geriecho] Upcoming: Tomorrow May 1 at Noon: REACH ECHO session

Kelly A. Donovan DonovaKe at upstate.edu
Tue Apr 30 11:19:38 EDT 2024

Good afternoon,

There is an ECHO tomorrow at Noon titled "Approach to Dementia-Related Behaviors" presented by Dr. Zdanys.  The session will begin promptly at Noon at the following Zoom link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://echo.zoom.us/j/735931981?pwd=Tk5VYmNyMndOZmM2V1NIQkpSdFMxZz09__;!!GobTDDpD7A!Iw708GAsI1zOV7jazeO-nc-4fpq01DxEGnMsYihpLqbvVZhjK9FjmBxX6f7ZEJ-BLCQ7tpCnw23rPuSYveuGhYl-1bI$ 

CME credit will be awarded for attending this session.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.




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