[util] Early Morning Noise Disruption - IHP Penthouse - RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH

Mary E. Lent LentM at upstate.edu
Wed Oct 27 09:22:27 EDT 2021

Due to excessive rain, the work scheduled for this morning is being rescheduled for tomorrow 10/28 from 6:00 am - 8:00 am.

Weather permitting, there will be early morning noise disruptions on *Thursday 10/28 to perform saw cutting at the IHP penthouse level over the 4th floor B-Wing to install a roof hatch. Saw cutting will be performed from 6:00 am - 8:00 am.  There will be no interruptions to building services as a result of this work and any noise disruptions should conclude by the start of business hours at 8:00 am. Please contact Matt Blair with the Design and Construction Department with any questions or concerns. 315-464-3813 or blairma at upstate.edu<mailto:blairma at upstate.edu>

Matthew Blair, RA, NCARB
Architect / Project Manager
Upstate Medical University
Design & Construction
Office: 315-464-3813
Cell: 315-430-3951

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