[util] Window Cleaning

Kimberly J. Austin AustinK at upstate.edu
Tue Mar 21 10:39:07 EDT 2023

The Cancer Center and IHP are going to be cleaning windows staring next week. They will be doing the inside windows. This will be done at night. The scheduled plan is to start in the Cancer Center on Monday 3/20 at 6pm. This is to be done over two nights ( 3/20 and 3/21).

IHP will be done over three nights ( 3/22-3/24). They are scheduled to begin at 6pm at IHP. I will send out updates through the week and also any changes that may occur to what is scheduled. Thanks.

Kimberly Austin

Administrative Assistant
Physical Plant MOC Center
Room 1806 UH
FAX: 35-464-4711

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