[mdphd] GR and MDPhD Newsletter submission request
Andrea Rhea
RheaA at upstate.edu
Mon Jun 27 10:40:25 EDT 2022
Use this link for Newsletter Submissions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Zgr1XCZe3UGJ-IPPc__umN2FsMVLE0NHkIlm0DIxa91UMFMzTFZPTlNNNUVXTE1WQ00zVVYzQldFWC4u__;!!GobTDDpD7A!IJAkicilOhJxJ1mhi5HkD3_ZKtxPefxXzpT1LdmYaPvh3KLUeVtjG-7bd-l90xGcQqh7Zg127EoczcMFsHR-dQ$ >. I apologize for the accessibility issue with previous link.
Andrea Rhea (she, her, hers)
Coordinator of Combined Programs and Special Initiatives
College of Graduate Studies
Weiskotten Hall 3118
rheaa at upstate.edu<mailto:rheaa at upstate.edu>
From: mdphd <mdphd-bounces at lists.upstate.edu> on behalf of Andrea Rhea <RheaA at upstate.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 10:05 AM
To: mdphd at lists.upstate.edu <mdphd at lists.upstate.edu>
Subject: [mdphd] GR and MDPhD Newsletter submission request
Good morning,
Newsletter: It’s the end of the month and I’m working on our first MD/PhD monthly newsletter for July. Please fill out the form below, thank-you!
MDPhD July Newsletter Submissions + General Info.xlsx<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/upstate0-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/rheaa_upstate_edu/Documents/MDPhD*20Program*20Planning*20and*20Collaboration/MDPhD*20Newsletter/MDPhD*20July*20Newsletter*20Submissions*20**A20General*20Info.xlsx?d=w35b18c4fe07c4815bd49fcf441b0ee77&csf=1&web=1&e=YFRa3s__;JSUlJSUlJSUlKyUl!!GobTDDpD7A!JP4yhmf6RQxFAIUm438ZDkmxBjkn85g8L59VxRfxl-UX-VDUZorUaHim-eyQhIxUjpy2yb6C29UUXRf7w8Cuuw$>
Grand Rounds, Thursday 6/30:
Attendees: Karen and Jeffery Albright
Topic: Precision Medicine
Location: Setnor 3507
Food: 4:30pm (TBD what we’re eating)
Seminar: 5:00-6:00
Your physical attendance and participation is required. If you are unable to make this Thursday’s GR, please reply individually. I will send a zoom link for remote participation on a case-by-case basis.
A complete GR schedule will be included in a shared MDPhD student resource folder (OneDrive) that I am developing. I should have something out by the end of the week.
Andrea Rhea (she, her, hers)
Coordinator of Combined Programs and Special Initiatives
College of Graduate Studies
Weiskotten Hall 3118
rheaa at upstate.edu<mailto:rheaa at upstate.edu>
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