[mdphd] FW: APSA Leadership and Service Opportunities for MD-PhD Students
Andrea Cifonelli
CifonelA at upstate.edu
Wed Mar 15 13:48:20 EDT 2023
See below for info
Andrea Cifonelli (she, her, hers)
Coordinator of Combined Programs and Special Initiatives
MD/PhD Program Coordinator
Postdoctoral Affairs Coordinator
PREP-Up and SURF Coordinator
College of Graduate Studies
Weiskotten Hall 3118
rheaa at upstate.edu<mailto:rheaa at upstate.edu>
In-office Monday - Thursday (PM), Telecommuting Thursday (AM) and Friday
From: Jennifer Brennan <BrennanJ at upstate.edu>
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 1:32 PM
To: Andrea Cifonelli <CifonelA at upstate.edu>
Subject: FW: APSA Leadership and Service Opportunities for MD-PhD Students
From: Sullivan, Brian (MSTP) <briansullivan at wustl.edu>
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 12:33 PM
Cc: Alex Waldman <alex.waldman at physicianscientists.org>, aamede at lsuhsc.edu <aamede at lsuhsc.edu>, aberrebi at hsc.wvu.edu <aberrebi at hsc.wvu.edu>, acox at jhmi.edu <acox at jhmi.edu>, agoldin at uci.edu <agoldin at uci.edu>, Aimee.Kao at ucsf.edu <Aimee.Kao at ucsf.edu>, ajay.jain at health.slu.edu <ajay.jain at health.slu.edu>, andrew.zinn at UTSouthwestern.edu <andrew.zinn at UTSouthwestern.edu>, Ann-Olson at ouhsc.edu <Ann-Olson at ouhsc.edu>, arvidso3 at msu.edu <arvidso3 at msu.edu>, Barbara.kazmierczak at yale.edu <Barbara.kazmierczak at yale.edu>, begaston at iu.edu <begaston at iu.edu>, benjamin.frankfort at bcm.edu <benjamin.frankfort at bcm.edu>, brass at mail.med.upenn.edu <brass at mail.med.upenn.edu>, brherber at iupui.edu <brherber at iupui.edu>, brongish at kumc.edu <brongish at kumc.edu>, cara.wilson at cuanschutz.edu <cara.wilson at cuanschutz.edu>, catarina.kiefe at umassmed.edu <catarina.kiefe at umassmed.edu>, cavazosj at uthscsa.edu <cavazosj at uthscsa.edu>, cdkontos at duke.edu <cdkontos at duke.edu>, cford at salud.unm.edu <cford at salud.unm.edu>, chemenway at luc.edu <chemenway at luc.edu>, christopher.williams at vanderbilt.edu <christopher.williams at vanderbilt.edu>, cvh3 at case.edu <cvh3 at case.edu>, cwhitlow at wakehealth.edu <cwhitlow at wakehealth.edu>, dajupite at utmb.edu <dajupite at utmb.edu>, ddawson at mednet.ucla.edu <ddawson at mednet.ucla.edu>, demore at musc.edu <demore at musc.edu>, Amit S. Dhamoon <DhamoonA at upstate.edu>, dhinton at med.usc.edu <dhinton at med.usc.edu>, Dianna.M.Milewicz at uth.tmc.edu <Dianna.M.Milewicz at uth.tmc.edu>, dodge at uchc.edu <dodge at uchc.edu>, dpaulsen at msm.edu <dpaulsen at msm.edu>, dsoprano at temple.edu <dsoprano at temple.edu>, dstepp at augusta.edu <dstepp at augusta.edu>, dwalz at med.wayne.edu <dwalz at med.wayne.edu>, edie.goldsmith at uscmed.sc.edu <edie.goldsmith at uscmed.sc.edu>, El Haddad,Elias <Elias.ElHaddad at drexelmed.edu>, Erik.J.Kobylarz at Dartmouth.edu <Erik.J.Kobylarz at Dartmouth.edu>, gfantry at arizona.edu <gfantry at arizona.edu>, gurjit.hershey at cchmc.org <gurjit.hershey at cchmc.org>, h-ardehali at northwestern.edu <h-ardehali at northwestern.edu>, hjbroome at umc.edu <hjbroome at umc.edu>, horwitz at uw.edu <horwitz at uw.edu>, hsuk at mskcc.org <hsuk at mskcc.org>, huttenlocher at wisc.edu <huttenlocher at wisc.edu>, jacobyd at ohsu.edu <jacobyd at ohsu.edu>, jleibowitz at tamu.edu <jleibowitz at tamu.edu>, jonathan.kay at umassmemorial.org <jonathan.kay at umassmemorial.org>, jonathan_kurtis at brown.edu <jonathan_kurtis at brown.edu>, jrobinso at tulane.edu <jrobinso at tulane.edu>, jtb01 at mcw.edu <jtb01 at mcw.edu>, juan.jaume at utoledo.edu <juan.jaume at utoledo.edu>, justin.mott at unmc.edu <justin.mott at unmc.edu>, katherine.king at bcm.edu <katherine.king at bcm.edu>, kaufmann.scott at mayo.edu <kaufmann.scott at mayo.edu>, kay at biochem.utah.edu <kay at biochem.utah.edu>, kedes at virginia.edu <kedes at virginia.edu>, kerry_obanion at urmc.rochester.edu <kerry_obanion at urmc.rochester.edu>, kfchua at stanford.edu <kfchua at stanford.edu>, klcollin at umich.edu <klcollin at umich.edu>, lad at email.unc.edu <lad at email.unc.edu>, lee.kendall at mayo.edu <lee.kendall at mayo.edu>, Ljp5 at psu.edu <Ljp5 at psu.edu>, loren_walensky at dfci.harvard.edu <loren_walensky at dfci.harvard.edu>, margaret.baron at mssm.edu <margaret.baron at mssm.edu>, mark.philips at med.nyu.edu <mark.philips at med.nyu.edu>, markus.seeliger at stonybrook.edu <markus.seeliger at stonybrook.edu>, mclark at medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu <mclark at medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu>, melks at msm.edu <melks at msm.edu>, mflima at mmc.edu <mflima at mmc.edu>, michael.blanton at ttuhsc.edu <michael.blanton at ttuhsc.edu>, Michael.Chin614279 at tufts.edu <Michael.Chin614279 at tufts.edu>, michael.donnenberg at vcuhealt.org <michael.donnenberg at vcuhealt.org>, michael.frohman at stonybrook.edu <michael.frohman at stonybrook.edu>, Michael.Jankowski at cchmc.org <Michael.Jankowski at cchmc.org>, milaposa at utmb.edu <milaposa at utmb.edu>, millonig at cabm.rutgers.edu <millonig at cabm.rutgers.edu>, mohanish at med.unc.edu <mohanish at med.unc.edu>, mroghman at epi.umaryland.edu <mroghman at epi.umaryland.edu>, mrosenbl at uic.edu <mrosenbl at uic.edu>, myles.akabas at einsteinmed.org <myles.akabas at einsteinmed.org>, nchi at ucsd.edu <nchi at ucsd.edu>, OAjijola at mednet.ucla.edu <OAjijola at mednet.ucla.edu>, patrick-gaffney at omrf.org <patrick-gaffney at omrf.org>, pdhughes at llu.edu <pdhughes at llu.edu>, phillipscl at missouri.edu <phillipscl at missouri.edu>, pinsel at ucsd.edu <pinsel at ucsd.edu>, pws at caltech.edu <pws at caltech.edu>, racquel.collinsmilinkovich at nih.gov <racquel.collinsmilinkovich at nih.gov>, rama.mallampalli2 at osumc.edu <rama.mallampalli2 at osumc.edu>, rbalczon at usouthal.edu <rbalczon at usouthal.edu>, Gross, Robert <rgross at emory.edu>, rlevenson at hmc.psu.edu <rlevenson at hmc.psu.edu>, rntaylor at buffalo.edu <rntaylor at buffalo.edu>, russell.salter at louisville.edu <russell.salter at louisville.edu>, salgampa at njms.rutgers.edu <salgampa at njms.rutgers.edu>, sborkan at bu.edu <sborkan at bu.edu>, scott.waldman at jefferson.edu <scott.waldman at jefferson.edu>, SCShalin at uams.edu <SCShalin at uams.edu>, sFriedman at downstate.edu <sFriedman at downstate.edu>, shimi002 at umn.edu <shimi002 at umn.edu>, slauch at illinois.edu <slauch at illinois.edu>, slemmon at med.miami.edu <slemmon at med.miami.edu>, sr2978 at cumc.columbia.edu <sr2978 at cumc.columbia.edu>, sroeri at lsuhsc.edu <sroeri at lsuhsc.edu>, sschaefer at ucdavis.edu <sschaefer at ucdavis.edu>, steinman at pitt.edu <steinman at pitt.edu>, steven-lentz at uiowa.edu <steven-lentz at uiowa.edu>, sundaramu at marshall.edu <sundaramu at marshall.edu>, talia.swartz at mssm.edu <talia.swartz at mssm.edu>, tfields at kumc.edu <tfields at kumc.edu>, tyacoub at uab.edu <tyacoub at uab.edu>, vanderah at email.arizona.edu <vanderah at email.arizona.edu>, vickery at bu.edu <vickery at bu.edu>, waldmant at georgetown.edu <waldmant at georgetown.edu>, whitehe at uky.edu <whitehe at uky.edu>, xuejun.wang at usd.edu <xuejun.wang at usd.edu>, Yokoyama, Wayne <yokoyama at wustl.edu>, victoria.king.1 at louisville.edu <victoria.king.1 at louisville.edu>, connolla at musc.edu <connolla at musc.edu>, aanastasio at bsd.uchicago.edu <aanastasio at bsd.uchicago.edu>, adw5x at virginia.edu <adw5x at virginia.edu>, als539 at psu.edu <als539 at psu.edu>, alysha_taggart at urmc.rochester.edu <alysha_taggart at urmc.rochester.edu>, amy.haughey at UTSouthwestern.edu <amy.haughey at UTSouthwestern.edu>, andrea.liu at duke.edu <andrea.liu at duke.edu>, aregan at med.unc.edu <aregan at med.unc.edu>, ashley.bertran at osumc.edu <ashley.bertran at osumc.edu>, awolf5 at kumc.edu <awolf5 at kumc.edu>, bianca.taylor-starobin at mssm.edu <bianca.taylor-starobin at mssm.edu>, brandm at marshall.edu <brandm at marshall.edu>, Jennifer Brennan <BrennanJ at upstate.edu>, Sullivan, Brian (MSTP) <briansullivan at wustl.edu>, bsmetank at buffalo.edu <bsmetank at buffalo.edu>, bwhitset at wakehealth.edu <bwhitset at wakehealth.edu>, cab4003 at med.cornell.edu <cab4003 at med.cornell.edu>, chanewall at wisc.edu <chanewall at wisc.edu>, Christopher.sienza at cuanschutz.edu <Christopher.sienza at cuanschutz.edu>, cquinon at emory.edu <cquinon at emory.edu>, danielle.park at jefferson.edu <danielle.park at jefferson.edu>, dbuczek at luc.edu <dbuczek at luc.edu>, ddona at med.wayne.edu <ddona at med.wayne.edu>, dieli at uchc.edu <dieli at uchc.edu>, dxd57 at case.edu <dxd57 at case.edu>, elizabeth_barks at hms.harvard.edu <elizabeth_barks at hms.harvard.edu>, fortin at bu.edu <fortin at bu.edu>, FVLobianco at uams.edu <FVLobianco at uams.edu>, Geisel.MD-PhD.Program at Dartmouth.edu <Geisel.MD-PhD.Program at Dartmouth.edu>, heatherw at illinois.edu <heatherw at illinois.edu>, heinlen at msu.edu <heinlen at msu.edu>, hhly at ucdavis.edu <hhly at ucdavis.edu>, hurley.lisa at mayo.edu <hurley.lisa at mayo.edu>, janet.bassett at path.utah.edu <janet.bassett at path.utah.edu>, jazizebrewer at ucsd.edu <jazizebrewer at ucsd.edu>, jbacon at som.umaryland.edu <jbacon at som.umaryland.edu>, jen.brady at unmc.edu <jen.brady at unmc.edu>, jlmann at uic.edu <jlmann at uic.edu>, jmgingri at iu.edu <jmgingri at iu.edu>, joanne.wu at uci.edu <joanne.wu at uci.edu>, kathyprigg at pitt.edu <kathyprigg at pitt.edu>, kdefalco at bcm.edu <kdefalco at bcm.edu>, kezziah.wilgus at vcuhealth.org <kezziah.wilgus at vcuhealth.org>, kpeplin at mcw.edu <kpeplin at mcw.edu>, krall at mail.med.upenn.edu <krall at mail.med.upenn.edu>, lacaze at tamu.edu <lacaze at tamu.edu>, linda-varvel at uiowa.edu <linda-varvel at uiowa.edu>, lindsey.martin at northwestern.edu <lindsey.martin at northwestern.edu>, lourdes.estrada at vanderbilt.edu <lourdes.estrada at vanderbilt.edu>, maria.alamo at einsteinmed.org <maria.alamo at einsteinmed.org>, marianne.pohlman at utoledo.edu <marianne.pohlman at utoledo.edu>, maya.zakharia at tufts.edu <maya.zakharia at tufts.edu>, mdphdadmin at ohsu.edu <mdphdadmin at ohsu.edu>, mdphdpgm at usc.edu <mdphdpgm at usc.edu>, mdphs at augusta.edu <mdphs at augusta.edu>, mstp at umich.edu <mstp at umich.edu>, MSTP_administrator at stonybrook.edu <MSTP_administrator at stonybrook.edu>, naress at email.arizona.edu <naress at email.arizona.edu>, nicole.clark at health.slu.edu <nicole.clark at health.slu.edu>, pfs2101 at cumc.columbia.edu <pfs2101 at cumc.columbia.edu>, PMacadangdang at mednet.ucla.edu <PMacadangdang at mednet.ucla.edu>, praneet.mann at umassmed.edu <praneet.mann at umassmed.edu>, reiko.fitzsimonds at yale.edu <reiko.fitzsimonds at yale.edu>, rindlejr at ucmail.uc.edu <rindlejr at ucmail.uc.edu>, rseay at uab.edu <rseay at uab.edu>, s.cayetano at med.miami.edu <s.cayetano at med.miami.edu>, schmerber at uthscsa.edu <schmerber at uthscsa.edu>, seisner at uw.edu <seisner at uw.edu>, shurs002 at tc.umn.edu <shurs002 at tc.umn.edu>, stacey.l.mueller at uth.tmc.edu <stacey.l.mueller at uth.tmc.edu>, stbaxter at utmb.edu <stbaxter at utmb.edu>, swellin1 at jhmi.edu <swellin1 at jhmi.edu>, Taylor, Deborah J. <taylord at health.missouri.edu>, terri.lloyd at ttuhsc.edu <terri.lloyd at ttuhsc.edu>, tiffani.quan at ucsf.edu <tiffani.quan at ucsf.edu>, tina.marottoli at rutgers.edu <tina.marottoli at rutgers.edu>, tmstea2 at email.uky.edu <tmstea2 at email.uky.edu>, tyburton at temple.edu <tyburton at temple.edu>, xuejun.wang at usd.edu <xuejun.wang at usd.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] APSA Leadership and Service Opportunities for MD-PhD Students
Dear all,
Please consider forwarding the below message to students in your program who might be interested in pursuing leadership and service opportunities with the America Physician Scientists Association (APSA). For the past 20 years, APSA has been an important voice for physician-scientist trainees at all levels. It holds a joint meeting with AAP and ASCI every April, regional meetings throughout the year, and has partnered with the National Association of MD-PhD Programs and the AAMC GREAT Group MD-PhD Section. APSA offers a great opportunity for your trainees to connect with peers and near-peers across the country, while advancing issues of concern to the physician-scientist community.
Thank you,
[cid:image003.png at 01D95731.DFAD2260]
e. briansullivan at wustl.edu<mailto:briansullivan at wustl.edu> p. 314-362-7458 w. https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mstp.wustl.edu__;!!GobTDDpD7A!Jb4pUUlU__wlFG6dOeqE4oCOenp520I64qxt0m17yTBhEd5W0G9hLTqJ9SivikFAFTlSrdHJa87Yxl3734HdbATn0Q$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.mstp.wustl.edu/__;!!GobTDDpD7A!KBiYre3u8m3uhHTBouulamAU7HdXe38fTLRQH44PArzWoChxTs0wmfge25uHe5VufNxWRANk0ZrQWY5OENRHmETytgiu$>
a. Washington University School of Medicine - MSTP Office
660 S. Euclid Avenue, MSC 8226-13-04, St. Louis, MO 63110
Dear XXXX,
Leadership applications to serve the important mission of the American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) are now open through April 17th, 2023 (linked here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fwww.physicianscientists.org*2Fpage*2FLeadershipPosition&data=05*7C01*7Cbriansullivan*40wustl.edu*7C835d314dccad4412a04108db25488ea9*7C4ccca3b571cd4e6d974b4d9beb96c6d6*7C0*7C0*7C638144765800786039*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=5c9MeRQzP95R3bS252NMpl8576UQWiHeaJhXAU0jhzk*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!GobTDDpD7A!KBiYre3u8m3uhHTBouulamAU7HdXe38fTLRQH44PArzWoChxTs0wmfge25uHe5VufNxWRANk0ZrQWY5OENRHmJorXASk$>). Please consider applying and do share with all members of your committee! Positions include chairs, vice-chairs, and members of Standing or Ad Hoc Committees, Executive Positions (President-Elect or Vice-President), Institutional Representatives, and members of Regional Meeting Planning Committees (feel free to consult the helpful definitions list below). Regardless of where you end up, we encourage flexibility and creativity in your APSA role, and I am personally excited to support your work in the year to come!
[cid:image004.png at 01D95731.DFAD2260]
Helpful definitions:
Standing Committees are permanent committees that are responsible for APSA's central operations.
Ad Hoc Committees are focused on specific initiatives and task-driven projects. They are formed and dissolved or advanced to Standing Committees based on need and are overseen by Standing Committees. An example includes the Virtual Summer Research Program Ad Hoc Committee, overseen by the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Committee.
Institutional Representatives serve as the voice for and crucial link between APSA and the physician-scientist student population and participate in select APSA regional or national leadership activities as part of their role.
For more information regarding available positions, please visit here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http*3A*2F*2Fwww.physicianscientists.org*2F*3FPage*3DCouncilStructure&data=05*7C01*7Cbriansullivan*40wustl.edu*7C835d314dccad4412a04108db25488ea9*7C4ccca3b571cd4e6d974b4d9beb96c6d6*7C0*7C0*7C638144765800786039*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=NvtgpQ9gp*2B5cVwSp2ChBVRKwDNzZrR6q4JBE8hfprRs*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!GobTDDpD7A!KBiYre3u8m3uhHTBouulamAU7HdXe38fTLRQH44PArzWoChxTs0wmfge25uHe5VufNxWRANk0ZrQWY5OENRHmAL8_E9A$>.
We hope to have you on our team!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions at alex.waldman at physicianscientists.org<mailto:alex.waldman at physicianscientists.org>.
Warmest Regards,
Alex Waldman
President-Elect | American Physician Scientists Association
Emory University MD/PhD Trainee
National Institutes of Health Oxford Scholar
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