[mdphd] 2024-5 Grand Rounds Schedule

Andrea Cifonelli CifonelA at upstate.edu
Thu Jun 6 12:14:24 EDT 2024

Dear MDPhD Students,

Please take a moment to review the 2024/5 Grand Rounds schedule: [?xlsx icon]  Grand Rounds Schedule 24-25.xlsx<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://upstate0-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/cifonela_upstate_edu/Documents/MDPhD*20Student*20Resources/Grand*20Rounds*20Schedule*2024-25.xlsx?d=w769a4540559641ada3caac681488c418&csf=1&web=1&e=sOJr4S__;JSUlJSU!!GobTDDpD7A!NOC9z1BxgcSQo7o5MKjbP2lDtQ0fwJywZgH12tH9xTRkEthU5Qml_MiPcHE8BNdIPnZ4Y2fSmqKKrRR4FsOljb4TKA$ >

  1.  Mark your calendar with your presentation date.
  2.  Let me know if you and a colleague arranged a presentation switch.

Message from Dr. Dhamoon:

The Grand Rounds Schedule is a little different this year.

We will have protected time in the winter for students studying for USMLE step I and those preparing for their dissertation defense.

Students in their second year of graduate school will present their dissertation work to their colleagues in the fall. The goal of these presentations is to hone students' communication skills and seek feedback from their esteemed colleagues prior to their grant submissions. Each presentation will be 15 minutes long with 10 minutes for questions. Please be respectful of your colleagues' time. This change is due to feedback from the Town hall this Spring.

We will have a mixture of NEJM clinical cases and clinical trials for the presentations by graduate students. These presentations will reinforce pathophysiology for the MSI and MSII years, help develop clinical reasoning skills for students, and provide a framework for approaching common and rare disease presentations. The clinical trials presentations will help develop students' skills in interpreting clinical trials which will inform their clinical decisions in the clinic. Please aim for a completing the presentation in 45 minutes. Please allocate time for questions and discussion from the audience.

MSIVs will present senior capstones similar to last year.

For the clinical trials and NEJM clinical cases, students will receive the paper several weeks before the presentation. Please read the paper, formulate an outline for your talk, and reach out to Amit Dhamoon to set up a time to meet in person or via zoom to discuss the presentation. We may meet more than once to go over the talk.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Andrea Cifonelli (she, her, hers)

Coordinator of Combined Programs and Special Initiatives
MD/PhD Program Coordinator
PREP-Up and SURF Program Coordinator
Postdoctoral Affairs Coordinator
College of Graduate Studies
Weiskotten Hall 3118
cifonela at upstate.edu<mailto:cifonela at upstate.edu>

In office Wednesday – Friday, Telecommuting Monday, Tuesday and every other Friday (cell: 315-857-3746)
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