[Nappi-Utility] Annual HVAC winterization

Anne Hodges HodgesA at upstate.edu
Thu Nov 9 08:05:18 EST 2023

During the week of November 13th, Physical Plant - HVAC will be performing its annual winterization of the hospital cooling systems to prevent freeze damage to equipment.

During periods of unseasonably warm weather this Fall/Spring seasons, we will have limited capacity to cool much of the North, South and West wings of the main hospital. During these periods we will make all adjustments possible to minimize temperature impacts.

The East Wing, East Tower, Cancer Center, and Nappi Buildings maintain most cooling capabilities year-round.

Please forward any questions or concerns to Jesse Brummer (after 11/14/23), HVAC Manager at 4-1415 or Larry Blanchard, Associate Director of Utilities 4-7371.

Physical Plant - Maintenance Operations Center
Upstate Medical University   Room 1806
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