[Nappi-Utility] Nappi/Cancer Center Access Bridge

Kimberly J. Austin AustinK at upstate.edu
Tue Apr 30 09:56:04 EDT 2024

Good morning,

This work cannot be completed on this date. Once rescheduled, we will send another notice with the new dates.

Thank You,
Kimberly Austin
Administrative Assistant
Physical Plant MOC Center
Room 1806 UH
FAX: 315-464-4711

From: Cwb-roc-cc-utility <cwb-roc-cc-utility-bounces at lists.upstate.edu> On Behalf Of Kimberly J. Austin
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 7:59 AM
To: Uh-utility at lists.upstate.edu; nappi-utility at lists.upstate.edu; cwb-roc-cc-utility at lists.upstate.edu
Subject: [Cwb-roc-cc-utility] Nappi/Cancer Center Access Bridge

Good morning,

On Wednesday, May 1st we will be closing the bridge between Nappi and the Cancer Center to allow for the installation of a card access system. Work will begin at 7:00 am until 5:00 pm. Any questions please contact Aaron Petty at 315-956-9056. Thank You

Aaron L. Petty
Associate Director for Maintenance
SUNY Upstate Medical
pettya at upstate.edu<mailto:pettya at upstate.edu>

Kimberly Austin
Administrative Assistant
Physical Plant MOC Center
Room 1806 UH
FAX: 315-464-4711

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