[Nappi-Utility] Nappi HVAC modification project

Anne Hodges HodgesA at upstate.edu
Fri Jan 26 10:27:32 EST 2024

Nappi Med Room HVAC Modification Project:

The mechanical contractor will be on site at Nappi 1/27/24 starting at 0700 hours to install secondary chilled water taps on the fifth and second floor corridors in preparation for the upcoming med room HVAC modification project.

No patient care areas will be impacted by this work.

The med room HVAC modification project will start on Monday 1/29/24 in Joslin med room #5103 located on the west side of the building.  This work was previously coordinated and scheduled with the impacted area staff members. ICRA barriers will be installed in the corridor outside of room #5103 on Monday 01/29/24.

Please contact Scott Bloss at 315-863-5576 with any question or concerns related to the construction operations.

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