[nursingnews] Invitation to Complete - Culture of Safety Survey 2024

Nursing News List nursingnews at lists.upstate.edu
Mon Oct 28 10:22:21 EDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Please help Upstate improve by participating in the 2024 Culture of Safety Survey!

At Upstate, we take the safety of our staff, clinicians, and patients very seriously. Upstate is a just culture that welcomes feedback to provide transparency in opportunities for improvement and accountability to its staff, clinicians, and patients. With your feedback we will be able to make improvements in our systems, resources, and processes that directly affect the safety of our staff, clinicians, and patients.

The 2024 Culture of Safety Survey will measure safety and culture opportunities and compare our progress since the last survey in 2022. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous, short, survey to help us better understand how to improve and help you in the care you provide every day.

The survey can be accessed at the following link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YVHKGF5__;!!GobTDDpD7A!Llm2iBVc3WWHMfkjopUanrj6jKm3RwWJDz5fDtqunBdapA8utFMqXL6fSgPsz2cqnmHinZyeSlU31HjY7IPA9HJvYgCB$ 

Please send your response by 11/11/2024.

Best Regards,

Matthew Glidden MD
Chief Quality Officer
Upstate University Hospital

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