[nursingnews] Magnet Challenge January

Nursing News List nursingnews at lists.upstate.edu
Fri Jan 3 14:20:41 EST 2025

The LAST magnet challenge is HERE!

As we gear up for our document submission for Magnet redesignation on February 3rd, we are asking you to send us a video in 30 seconds or less answering the question, "What does Magnet mean to you?"

Each video sent will receive 5 points for their department.
Only 1 video submission accepted per person, multiple accepted per department.

Rules for submitting the video:
-Start video with, "Hi, my name is ___, title(RN, LPN, Manager of etc.), on ____ (unit, department)
Ex. Hi My name is Betty, RN on 5W. Magnet means....
-Must film vertically
-Must include your face and voice (film it selfie style or have someone video you)
-Please ensure there are no patient identifiers in the background of your video

Videos can be submitted via text or email to Morgan Gaffney, Nursing Marketing and Community Relations Coordinator

Phone: 315-907-2356
Email: gaffneym at upstate.edu

*by submitting a video, you are giving consent for it to be used for both internal use and external, social media use

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