[PedsECHO] TOMORROW: New COVID ECHO Session - Thur. 3/26 12 PM

Deidre Keefe keefed at upstate.edu
Wed Mar 25 14:54:56 EDT 2020



Thursday 3/26/20 at 12 PM - with Infectious Disease Specialist Stephen Thomas, MD.

This session will have a brief follow up on transmission and disease progression, move into policies and procedures affecting primary care providers throughout our community (PPE, testing sites, medications) and a generous amount of Q&A time from participants.

If you forwarded the original message and/or flyer on PLEASE forward this reminder as well!

Please send any questions or discussions points you would like addressed during this session to keefed at upstate.edu <mailto:keefed at upstate.edu>.

Call-in information is below ⇣


Zoom via PC, MAC, IOS, or Android

Go to https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.zoom.us__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFYJ9-YAU$   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.zoom.us_&d=DwMFAg&c=ogn2iPkgF7TkVSicOVBfKg&r=RCexaPwVIMk-RJiov-PTYDEDldac69P2CCfl1-8FzUk&m=PiUd5yxTteCaga10wd-uWwpXI6QTWpN3gzt5VUBvzrw&s=T4Iriayy_St4POR6LiIesdaXj3A-dIYPNOFmjvzLsG0&e=>and select download on the bottom left hand corner of the page.

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://echo.zoom.us/j/735931981__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFIabTa2w$   <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://echo.zoom.us/j/735931981__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFIabTa2w$ >
Joining by phone ONLY:

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 735 931 981

Deidre Keefe, MS, CHES
Project Manager, ECHO
Office of the President
Phone: 315-464-7861
keefed at upstate.edu

> On Mar 23, 2020, at 12:02 PM, Deidre Keefe <KeefeD at upstate.edu> wrote:
> < COVID - 19.png>
> Please join us for our 2nd COVID-19 ECHO:  
> Thursday 3/26/20 at 12 PM - with Infectious Disease Specialist Stephen Thomas, MD.
> This session will have a brief follow up on transmission and disease progression, move into policies and procedures affecting primary care providers throughout our community (PPE, testing sites, medications) and a generous amount of Q&A time from participants.
> Please send any questions or discussions points you would like addressed during this session to keefed at upstate.edu <mailto:keefed at upstate.edu>.
> **Additional ECHO sessions regarding COVID-19 will be scheduled at a later date as new information and protocols become available**
> Please feel free to forward this email and/or print the attached flyer and share with other providers.  THIS SESSION IS NOT TO BE MISSED.
> Call-in information is below ⇣
> Zoom via PC, MAC, IOS, or Android
> Go to https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.zoom.us__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFYJ9-YAU$   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.zoom.us_&d=DwMFAg&c=ogn2iPkgF7TkVSicOVBfKg&r=RCexaPwVIMk-RJiov-PTYDEDldac69P2CCfl1-8FzUk&m=PiUd5yxTteCaga10wd-uWwpXI6QTWpN3gzt5VUBvzrw&s=T4Iriayy_St4POR6LiIesdaXj3A-dIYPNOFmjvzLsG0&e=>and select download on the bottom left hand corner of the page.
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://echo.zoom.us/j/735931981__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFIabTa2w$   <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://echo.zoom.us/j/735931981__;!!GobTDDpD7A!boQxK5U_Qx2EHb1p1x3c9O2hBd3P8_YzcyaaVTlh4559YAV9X_bNrd1s9kQr6_yFIabTa2w$ >
> Joining by phone ONLY:
> +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
> Meeting ID: 735 931 981
> <COVID Flyer 2.docx>
> Deidre Keefe, MS, CHES
> Project Manager, ECHO
> Office of the President
> Phone: 315-464-7861
> keefed at upstate.edu <mailto:keefed at upstate.edu>
> http://www.upstate.edu/echo

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