[pert] PERT readiness for fellows in cardiology and pulm/critical care

Debanik Chaudhuri ChaudhuD at upstate.edu
Fri Oct 30 11:06:22 EDT 2020

Hello Lisa and Andrea,
As you are aware, we are in the process of rolling out our Pulmonary Embolism Response Team ( PERT) initiative. As part of that initiative, the pulmonary MICU fellows are expected to be the ones to be the first point of contact and are expected to initiate a PERT team consult. Not infrequently, the cardiology fellows would be the ones diagnosing a PE while assessing the patient for a different working diagnosis. Therefore, they should also have the ability to initiate a PERT consult, especially for an unstable patient with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. So they need to have an education in this matter from our IMT team who have done a wonderful job in putting the pieces in place. I have included some of the IMT team members on this e-mail so that they can connect with you directly and set up a time for education. This should be done as a priority so that we can start the service ASAP.
Thank you for your help and cooperation.


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