[reg] FW: January Patient Access Newsletter

Brenda L. Passardi PassardB at upstate.edu
Tue Jan 4 09:08:07 EST 2022

From: Shelley White
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 8:52 AM
To: Dept Newsletter <PASNewsletter at upstate.edu>
Cc: Stuart Wright <WrightS at upstate.edu>; Robert Seabury <SeaburRo at upstate.edu>; Niki Sullivan <SullivaA at upstate.edu>
Subject: January Patient Access Newsletter

Happy New Year!
First of all, THANK YOU to everyone working long hours and numerous roles to help through this difficult time! I can't tell you enough how much we appreciate you! Covid and flu are running rampant impacting many of you and your families, and of course impacting our work force. Please stay diligent.

Stay well!
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