[unyoc-planning] URGENT: UNYOC Executive & Conference Planning Committees need to meet together, please!

Porcello, Lorraine Lorraine_Porcello at URMC.Rochester.edu
Thu Jan 30 16:29:08 EST 2020

Good afternoon, UNYOC friends,

I have received several communications recently regarding UNYOC membership and conference planning that require the urgent attention of both the Executive Board and the Conference Planning committee.
I apologize for the urgency, but I feel that it's necessary.

I have scoured my calendar and come up with every available meeting time I could find for next week, and put them all into a Doodle Poll.
You can access the poll at this URL:

Please, as soon as you can, go to the poll and indicate your availability.  I will look at the results this weekend and send out a Zoom meeting request for the most advantageous time.

Here are the agenda items we need to discuss:

1.       PayPal vs Wild Apricot for membership and conference payments

2.       Conference Planning

a.       Co-chairs after 2020

b.       Conference Planning for 2021 in Rochester

3.       Vote on whether to support MLA's 2020 Research Training Institute

I will send more detailed explanations with the meeting request.  Please let me know if you have any questions!


Lorraine Porcello, MLIS, MSIM
Branch Librarian

Basil G. Bibby Library, Eastman Institute for Oral Health
Mail: Room 008, 625 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
Phone: 585.275.3247
Hours: M&T - 8:30am - 5:00pm; W&Th - 1:00pm - 5:00pm

John R. Williams Health Sciences Library, Highland Hospital
Mail: Box 49, 1000 South Avenue Rochester, NY 14620
Phone: 585.341.6761
Hours: W&Th - 8:00am - 12:00 pm; F - 8:00am - 4:30pm

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