[CNYRTC] FW: [EXTERNAL] REMINDER!! **FREE** HAZWOPER for the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer - October 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm (Webinar and In-Person at University Buffalo)
Maureen Guinta
GuintaM at upstate.edu
Mon Sep 12 15:04:11 EDT 2022
Good afternoon,
There is a training opportunity listed below (HAZWOPER TtT). There are some funds available for scholarship reimbursement for this course. If anyone is interested let me know.
Maureen Guinta
Training Center Program Coordinator
Campus West Building, Room 305
Phone: (315) 464-7597
From: FLRTC HPP List <FLRTC-HPP at LISTS.ROCHESTER.EDU> On Behalf Of DAngelo, Anne
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 12:44 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] REMINDER!! **FREE** HAZWOPER for the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer - October 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm (Webinar and In-Person at University Buffalo)
UPDATE - We have 3 applicants for the HAZWOPER TtT program and anticipate 1 more. However, we need a minimum of 5 students to run this program!
Please share this training opportunity with your Hospital Decontamination Team and encourage staff to register soon. The Hazmat For First Receiver Operations Initial course is highly recommended but not required to attend the TtT (you can disregard that pre-requisite on the Application Form). The FLRTC grant will cover the cost for staff that attend from the Western Region.
Candidates from other regions are welcome to attend. Please let us know if there are issues with accessing registration and application.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAZWOPER_TtT_WRHTC_BP4__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PNJXJ5zbZny9ZJKze_2LkfPpErs-pIRCO6L8_IBw592Z7d1Hz95nndJriESOLmtV6sxK6zVy-zd1R4uLE_0GgHfDUw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAZWOPER_TtT_WRHTC_BP4__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjfAyVYRrQ$>
The URMC FLRTC has made arrangements with University at Buffalo Toxicology Research Center and Atlantic OSHA Training Center to conduct the HAZWOPER For the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/UB-HazmatTtT-FLYER-October2022_1.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjdPivlA7Q$>. This TtT class will authorize trainers to provide the 8 hour First Receiver Operations Initial and 4 hour Refresher level classes designed and conducted by the University at Buffalo Toxicology Research Center (UB-TRC) and Health Systems Safety for over 10 years.
The TtT will occur in 4 days over a 2-week period. The first 2 days (October 5-6, 2022) will be held remotely via Zoom webinar. The last 2 days (October 12-13, 2022) will be conducted in-person at the University at Buffalo Toxicology Research Center in Buffalo, NY. Candidates MUST attend and complete all 4 days to qualify for a URMC FLRTC Scholarship. There is no option to attend just a portion of this program.
* October 5-6, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm via Zoom Webinar
Camera and Microphone required/on for all student devices.
* October 12-13, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm at University at Buffalo Toxicology Research Center
Students should bring a laptop that will accept a flash drive of course resources/materials.
Attendees must bring their facility PAPR to class. Course instructors recommend at least 1 PAPR/2 attendees from the same facility. All other training suit supplies will be provided.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAZWOPER_TtT_WRHTC_BP4__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PNJXJ5zbZny9ZJKze_2LkfPpErs-pIRCO6L8_IBw592Z7d1Hz95nndJriESOLmtV6sxK6zVy-zd1R4uLE_0GgHfDUw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAZWOPER_TtT_WRHTC_BP4__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjfAyVYRrQ$>
Course Size requirements: 12 minimum/20 maximum.
Cost: $275.00 per person - The FLRTC will provide full tuition scholarships for Western Region HEPC candidates that attend and complete the ENTIRE 4-day program. Candidates outside the WRHEPC should contact their HTC for available scholarships.
**All candidates must complete this Application Form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/Application-for-FR-Ops-Trainer-class-Blank_2.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5Mjf851jmJA$> and upload it to the Registration Platform<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAZWOPER_TtT_WRHTC_BP4__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjfAyVYRrQ$>**
This course is specifically designed for healthcare (e.g. hospital emergency room, etc.) personnel who have been assigned to train the decontamination team at their facility.
Hazmat for the First Receivers Operations Level Initial training is HIGHLY encouraged but not required
SAMPLE Curriculum:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/UB-HazmatTtT-DetailedCurriculum.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PNJXJ5zbZny9ZJKze_2LkfPpErs-pIRCO6L8_IBw592Z7d1Hz95nndJriESOLmtV6sxK6zVy-zd1R4uLE_1JS-mjbQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/First-Receiver-Operations-Train-the-Trainer-Curriculum-2019.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjeYF05hSw$>
Registration cut off is September 21, 2022. This means registration and application must be submitted no later than 9/21/22. Decision to conduct the class will be made COB on that day. You will receive an email with either confirmation zoom link and directions or a cancellation notification.
Anne M. D'Angelo, RN, MS
Program Director, Finger Lakes Regional Training Center
Supporting the Western Region Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition (WRHEPC)
University of Rochester Medical Center
Phone: (585) 758-7642 Fax: (585) 756-5098
anne_dangelo at urmc.rochester.edu<mailto:anne_dangelo at urmc.rochester.edu>
Website: WRHEPC.URMC.EDU<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.urmc.rochester.edu/emergency-preparedness.aspx__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjchK_STDw$>
For email notifications regarding educational opportunities, please subscribe to the FLRTC-HPP listserv<mailto:listserv at lists.rochester.edu?subject=Subscribe%20FLRTC-HPP&body=Subscribe%20FLRTC-HPP%20firstname%20lastname>
NOTE: In the email body, substitute firstname lastname with your first and last name.
[cid:image003.png at 01D83EC9.C7A975F0]
From: DAngelo, Anne
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 7:03 PM
Cc: Spezio, Eileen <Eileen_Spezio at URMC.Rochester.edu<mailto:Eileen_Spezio at URMC.Rochester.edu>>; Joseph Syracuse <jsyracus at buffalo.edu<mailto:jsyracus at buffalo.edu>>; restep at hssafety.com<mailto:restep at hssafety.com>; Cheverie, Albert (HEALTH) <Albert.Cheverie at health.ny.gov<mailto:Albert.Cheverie at health.ny.gov>>; Sharp, Shaun M (HEALTH) (Shaun.Sharp at health.ny.gov<mailto:Shaun.Sharp at health.ny.gov>) <Shaun.Sharp at health.ny.gov<mailto:Shaun.Sharp at health.ny.gov>>
Subject: SAVE THE DATES!! Hazwoper for the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer - October 5, 6, 12 & 13
Hazwoper for the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer
October 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2022
The URMC FLRTC has made arrangements with University at Buffalo Toxicology Research Center (UB-TRC) and Health Systems Safety to conduct a 4 day Blended (Zoom & In-Person) Hazwoper for the First Receivers Operations Level Train-the-Trainer Course for the hospitals in the Western Region HEPC. This TtT class will authorize trainers to conduct the UB-TRC 8 hour First Receiver Operations Initial and UB-TRC 4 hour Refresher level classes.
This course is specifically designed for healthcare (e.g. hospital emergency room, etc.) personnel who have been assigned to train the decontamination team at their facility.
Registration will be limited to 20 participants from the WRHEPC that have not previously attended a UB-TRC FROps TtT course.
October 5-6, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm via Zoom Webinar
October 12-13, 2022 @ 8:30am - 4:30pm In-Person (location TBD)
Attendees MUST bring their facility PAPR to the In-Person Sessions
Course instructors recommend at least 1 PAPR/2 attendees from the same facility. All other training suit supplies will be provided.
SAMPLE Curriculum:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/UB-HazmatTtT-DetailedCurriculum.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PNJXJ5zbZny9ZJKze_2LkfPpErs-pIRCO6L8_IBw592Z7d1Hz95nndJriESOLmtV6sxK6zVy-zd1R4uLE_1JS-mjbQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/flrtc/documents/First-Receiver-Operations-Train-the-Trainer-Curriculum-2019.pdf__;!!GobTDDpD7A!M8Z2n8HRYtD6ONDd1LwyI3aSN34lK53aWIcJdWZUNid5qxiGQfXOe70axMZx-3x6snFA10oroEncK7emUR5qDCn5MjeYF05hSw$>
To unsubscribe from the FLRTC-HPP list, click the following link:
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