[CNYHTC] Upcoming Webinar: Creating Buy-In for Your Emergency Management Program (FREE with Code)

Haley Donhauser DonhausH at upstate.edu
Tue Jun 13 08:58:06 EDT 2023

Hosting Agency: Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals (AHEPP)

Webinar Name: Creating Buy-In for Your Emergency Management Program

Time: June 14, 2023 at 12:00pm

Presenter: Phil Chaffe, CEM and Senior Director of Emergency Management for the University of Utah Health Sciences, Hospitals and Clinics

About: Increase your impact and show more value to your leaders, staff, and institution through short, virtual, topic-based education videos by using software you likely already have. Keeping it simple for you and your audience is essential.

Access Code: AHEPPWebinar_CreatingBuyIn

Register HERE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ahepp.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1749564&group=__;!!GobTDDpD7A!OiYixmPukJIe-TEI8CONRnld4j753rTPB6KrUTTN_EBTaFUFkQ59eeJOao51a12ptixukVYD6iMYrHUqKKyJ0v13FRg$ >

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