[mdphd] student survey measuring unmet basic needs among med students

Andrea Cifonelli CifonelA at upstate.edu
Wed Jun 5 16:39:18 EDT 2024

Hi everyone,

I hope all is well! I am working on a national survey to measure unmet basic needs and food insecurity among medical school students (including MD/PhD students) and would really appreciate if you could fill out this short survey<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2rtm76yzG4bDd4O?Q_CHL=qr__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PLSz7-RhVIRyhURq0PzCA-hwfBvRmvCR8k52qbEU8ef-m-4YPMSqUof6TByRvdjWahAA75Yu7uSnbcv0-e96FeRr0w$ >! This project is supported by the Office of Student Affairs and is part of a larger AAMC initiative.

The survey takes less than 5 minutes and is part of a really important initiative that will hopefully help secure national resources to help medical students meet their basic needs. The survey has already been completed at 11 other medical schools, so we hope to now represent Upstate in these data, particularly MD/PhD students specifically. So far, the results have led to local interventions such as clerkship rideshare services, additional financial aid adjustments, and food pantry support.

We really hope you will be able to take the 5 minutes to fill this out to help us assess the basic needs of students at Upstate. Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,

Get Outlook for iOS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aka.ms/o0ukef__;!!GobTDDpD7A!PLSz7-RhVIRyhURq0PzCA-hwfBvRmvCR8k52qbEU8ef-m-4YPMSqUof6TByRvdjWahAA75Yu7uSnbcv0-e9iIkCKpA$ >
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