[nursingnews] Nursing News May 17th

Nursing News List nursingnews at lists.upstate.edu
Fri May 17 12:49:16 EDT 2024

Nursing News for May 17th


Last day to submit for May's "Bust a Rhyme" 12 Months of Magnet Challenge here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Zgr1XCZe3UGJ-IPPc__umG3IJJLhnaRNtbmbFGtVbspUQTZDMEQzTVlTREU4TjlPWjNEOFc3RTJTNi4u__;!!GobTDDpD7A!JYQ7POqotKMfJRaaKyj2f4YVx5j3wr02QUJHFy4gBR87231XjCsaweFhUALZZXQKO7Pt1g1ZRPzjGobuvHzVZSyGd4A0FQ$ 

Bonus points for video submission. See form for details

*Submissions due by 11:59pm EST May 17th


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Upstates Mentor/Mentee Program

*See attachment

To submit announcements, publications, and events to be shared via nursing news please email NRSGNEWS at upstate.edu with a short 1-3 sentence description of what you'd like shared. Nursing news is sent the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.
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