[nursingnews] Nursing News
Nursing News List
nursingnews at lists.upstate.edu
Tue Feb 25 11:12:21 EST 2025
Nursing News
Upstate’s Nursing Excellence Council will sell crewneck sweatshirts Feb. 26 from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. outside Café 750 on the second floor of Upstate University Hospital and Feb. 27 from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the staff entrance lobby at Community. Sweatshirts are $30 each and available in small to 4XL. Pre-orders for this sale have closed. No special accommodations will be made. Proceeds support the Nursing Recognition Fund. Questions? Email Jennifer Flynn at FlynnJe at Upstate.edu<mailto:FlynnJe at Upstate.edu>.
The Transitional Care Team in Room 1111 is proud to announce their latest (and greatest) design yet! Head over to our bonfire store to see what we have for you! Every product sold benefits our clothing and sundries fund which is utilized to provide a new clean outfit to patients-in-need as they discharge from Upstate. Your continued support has been, and is, greatly appreciated. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bonfire.com/store/transitional-care-clothing-fund/__;!!GobTDDpD7A!In0lzYaQWcXiXst2bvKyWHloGRVu3grxH0EGvXurLjVR1OsvcT1BouK6-kmSO0JXrDJI7hnA9PJCNWTCBdSYDZMXSQ4trA$
Welcome to the February 25th, 2025, edition of Magnet Monthly Updates! Magnet Monthly will provide regular updates to keep everyone informed on all things Magnet as we continue our journey toward our 2025 redesignation! Please see attachment.
Upstate Trauma is excited to announce that we will again be offering FREE public Stop the Bleed courses in conjunction with Upstate Oasis<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/SyracuseOasis?__cft__*5B0*5D=AZXyViuo-7EVao-tpP4sjL7r-VlSMWDb33QduweJS4ZRKggcpZhl18MKUCNJpZ3lX8juc_biF0ZwPf65Z4ybjfzQaJB6RW5Y2Ojr6CVxTxoRbgvJ6QJdcZd88Uffi5xNxRjt0OXO9S09Ylv9qNCfa6znzs4gIAF-d1vbEeVM--r1irUfUB5i8F2PpmXa2w3GJ5YK297cZRBC3mzRtXbJHZ-jyC0unspp6viKCXjTsKUJBNBwxEi2Rb75yWinNSJy420&__tn__=-*5DK-y-R__;JSUl!!GobTDDpD7A!In0lzYaQWcXiXst2bvKyWHloGRVu3grxH0EGvXurLjVR1OsvcT1BouK6-kmSO0JXrDJI7hnA9PJCNWTCBdSYDZPQs6a8Gg$ > near Carrier Circle (6333 NY-298, East Syracuse, NY 13057). These courses will be held on the last Wednesday of the month. Join us to learn how to stop life-threatening bleeding!
A reminder that licensed staff members who are interested in becoming instructors can email stopthebleed at upstate.edu to begin the process. Note: You must have attended and completed a STB course to instruct.
March's Stop the Bleed Course Sign-Up<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/e/upstate-trauma-stop-the-bleed-course-open-to-the-public-tickets-1146081543749?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwY2xjawIqoQhleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHWxTmQfpPX24eqtyQgBVRwg7TsbiUuipWBKYTULdQFr3R11LIZbPrSoxdg_aem_ZsHEF5PR6HntJUv89W_QLw__;!!GobTDDpD7A!In0lzYaQWcXiXst2bvKyWHloGRVu3grxH0EGvXurLjVR1OsvcT1BouK6-kmSO0JXrDJI7hnA9PJCNWTCBdSYDZMklcgCBQ$ >
April's Stop the Bleed Sign-Up<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.com/e/upstate-trauma-stop-the-bleed-course-april-open-to-the-public-tickets-1256549486339?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwY2xjawIqoTBleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHQMk_BgCXopGzecGkI1_ESDS0DwFFMcl-ca88RlWefvR1w2HzgAPPcLRQA_aem_7Ot5ks5vyw2Ol9iSSEKRfQ__;!!GobTDDpD7A!In0lzYaQWcXiXst2bvKyWHloGRVu3grxH0EGvXurLjVR1OsvcT1BouK6-kmSO0JXrDJI7hnA9PJCNWTCBdSYDZM2jnJJEA$ >
SAVE THE DATE! In recognition of May as Trauma Awareness month, Upstate Trauma Services would like to invite you to join us for the 2025 Trauma Fest, which will be held on Wednesday, May 21st from 10AM-2PM on Elizabeth-Blackwell St. This day is especially significant, as it is also National Trauma Survivors’ Day.
This is an internal appreciation festival for all who provide outstanding care to our trauma patients. In addition to the internal departments, we will be welcoming an ambulance from AMR, a firetruck from Syracuse Fire, a police car from University Police, two food trucks, our air medical services and some of our trauma partners. We hope to see you there!
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