mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
AAHSLReads | AAHSL Reads book club list |
ActiveLrnCol | Active Learning Collaborative |
AdvPracSvc | [no description available] |
Ais | Administrative Information Systems, IMT |
AllTransplant | [no description available] |
AMA | [no description available] |
Ambbusmgr | [no description available] |
AmbIncComm | [no description available] |
AmbMedDir | [no description available] |
AMWA | [no description available] |
Anesthesia | [no description available] |
Aoa | [no description available] |
bac-utility | [no description available] |
Bing-campus | [no description available] |
board-unyoc | [no description available] |
burnecho | [no description available] |
CC-admin-SD | CC Executive Council, SD's, and Admin |
CC-Faculty | [no description available] |
CEUCourses | [no description available] |
CFListserve | [no description available] |
Cgh-utility | Utility Notices for CG |
CHnotify | Community Hospital Physical Plant/Construction Notifications |
CHPDean | Dean's Office |
CHPFacultyStaff | CHP Faculty and Staff |
CHPNews | [no description available] |
Clerkprecept | Family Medicine Clerkship Preceptors |
clintox | Clin Tox |
CMF | Christian Medical Fellowship |
CNYEMgroup | NYSHEEM – New York State Higher Education Emergency Management Group |
CNYRTC | Central NY Healthcare Training Center (Emergency Management) |
CollegeOfHealthProfessions | College Of Health Professions |
Comm-Utility | [no description available] |
Connectlibrary | [no description available] |
cpsgrant | CPS Grant List |
Cwb-roc-cc-utility | Utility Notices for CWB and ROC |
Cycling | Cycling |
Diversion | ED Diversion Email List |
DiversityEquityInclusion | Upstate's mailing list for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. |
ECMO | [no description available] |
EMECHO | [no description available] |
EMIG | Emergency Med Interest Group |
EMT-EMS | [no description available] |
endoecho | [no description available] |
EpicAllUsers | Epic - All users of System |
EpicAmbulatoryProviders | [no description available] |
EpicAncillary | Epic - All Ancillary Staff |
EpicBeacon | [no description available] |
EpicBilling | [no description available] |
EpicBillingHB | [no description available] |
EpicBillingPB | [no description available] |
EpicCC | Epic Change Control |
EpicDown | Epic Production Downtime Announcements |
EpicDownTech | Epic Prod and Non-Prod Downtime Notices for IMT Staff |
EpicNonclinical | Epic - All Non-Clinical Staff |
EpicNurses | [no description available] |
EpicProviders | Epic - All Provider Staff |
EpicRadiant | [no description available] |
EpicResearch | [no description available] |
EpicSchedRegPAS | [no description available] |
EpicStork | [no description available] |
EpicUpgrade | [no description available] |
EpicWillow | [no description available] |
Equity | [no description available] |
Et-utility | Utility Notices for ET |
Ethics | Ethics Discussion List |
Ew-bh-utility | Utility Notices for EW and BH |
FA-Projects | [no description available] |
FacEdSeminar | Faculty Development Seminars |
Faculty | Faculty Discussion List |
Fellowship | [no description available] |
Fmedall | All Family Med Faculty & Staff |
Fmedfac | Department of Family Medicine Faculty |
Fmri-l | fMRI, DTI, and associated MRI technology |
FoundationAllocations | Foundation Allocations |
Gamma-utility | Utility Notices for Gamma Knife Building |
Gen-assem | [no description available] |
genecho | [no description available] |
geriecho | [no description available] |
GFO | Faculty in College of Graduate Studies |
Gfwis | [no description available] |
GradStudies | Graduate Student list serve |
GSC | [no description available] |
Gt-utility | [no description available] |
HIT | [no description available] |
HospEmps | [no description available] |
HPStudent | Health Professions Students |
Ihp-utility | Utility Notices for IHP |
IIBMST | [no description available] |
IMC | [no description available] |
Imso | [no description available] |
IMTAIS | [no description available] |
IMTAlert | [no description available] |
IMTALL | [no description available] |
IMTAMB | [no description available] |
IMTCIO | [no description available] |
IMTCLINENG | [no description available] |
IMTCS | [no description available] |
IMTEDCOM | [no description available] |
IMTHART | [no description available] |
IMTHIS | [no description available] |
IMTHSA | [no description available] |
IMTISO | [no description available] |
IMTMgmt | [no description available] |
IMTMgmtAll | [no description available] |
IMTMGRS | [no description available] |
IMTNS | [no description available] |
IMTONS | [no description available] |
IMTTELECOM | [no description available] |
InTheNews | [no description available] |
IntlStudents | International Students Association |
IPA-users | [no description available] |
Jh-cab-ct-utility | Utility Notices for JH, CAB, and CT |
JMA | [no description available] |
JoslinEd | Joslin Education |
JosProv-time | Joslin Provier time off requests |
kronos-mgr-lic | Kronos managers list for Catherine Powers |
LabFormCtte | Laboratory Formulary Committee |
labupdates | [no description available] |
LawsonUsers | [no description available] |
Lib-utility | Utility Notices for LIB |
library-staff | [no description available] |
LightSound | [no description available] |
mdphd | [no description available] |
Med-Safety | Medication Safety |
Med2025 | [no description available] |
Med2026 | [no description available] |
Med2027 | Medical students graduating in 2027 |
MED2028 | MED2028 |
MedEdJC | Medical Education Journal Club |
mgmtforumboth | [no description available] |
MINDFUL-E | [no description available] |
Msfc | [no description available] |
nab-utility | [no description available] |
Nappi-Utility | Nappi Building Utilities |
nrb-utility | Utility Notices for NRB |
Nserf | [no description available] |
Nursing-CE | [no description available] |
nursingnews | Nursing News List |
OB-Gyn-IG | OB-Gyn Interest Group |
obgyn-dept | obgyn department |
Obgynecho | [no description available] |
Offcamp-utility | Utility Notices for OFFCAMP |
Omicronalpha | Omicron Alpha Mail List |
ONSREQ | [no description available] |
OpTimes | [no description available] |
ORProviders | ORProviders |
PDResilience | Pediatric Program Director Resilience |
pedsecho | [no description available] |
PedsRelief | [no description available] |
pert | Pulmonary Embolism Response Team |
PharmUpdates | Information from Upstate University Hospital Pharmacy Services |
PLASTICS201 | Mailing List of the Plastic Surgery 201 Network |
pmct2018 | [no description available] |
PNHP | Upstate Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program |
Postdoctoral-Associates | Current Upstate Postdocs |
Preceptors | [no description available] |
PsychDept | PsychDept Mailing List |
Registration | Registration List Serv |
Research_affiliates | [no description available] |
RMSP | Rural Medical Scholars Program |
RTAC | [no description available] |
SailPoint_Project | [no description available] |
SailPoint_Technical | [no description available] |
SANEECHO | [no description available] |
SentactUsers | [no description available] |
SharedGov | [no description available] |
Sil-b49-utility | Utility Notices for SIL and B49 |
Sjhfac | [no description available] |
Sjhres | [no description available] |
Sl-utility | Utility Notices for Sarah Loguen Child Care Center |
SLDoctorals | [no description available] |
SleepyTimes | [no description available] |
SNMA | [no description available] |
SSO | [no description available] |
stopthebleed | [no description available] |
Stroke | Regional Stroke Advisory Council |
Students | All Students at Upstate Medical University |
SUNY-AHC-VPR | [no description available] |
SUNYElecProf | [no description available] |
Tableau | [no description available] |
tableau-dev | [no description available] |
thor-consortium | thor-consortium |
toxhealth | [no description available] |
toxnews | Toxicology News and Case Conference Distribution |
toxvtc | Video Teleconference List |
TxpProviders | [no description available] |
Uh-hockey | Univeristy Hockey |
Uh-utility | Utility Notices for UH |
UHCampus | [no description available] |
UME-Phase1 | UME Phase 1 |
UmedBkStore | [no description available] |
UMU_Testing | [no description available] |
UndocTaskForce | Immigrant Student Task Force |
UNIXTEST | Unix Test Email List |
unyoc-planning | [no description available] |
Upstate-library | [no description available] |
Upstate-pc | Poison Center Public Education |
UpstateData | [no description available] |
Usc | [no description available] |
UUP | United University Professionals |
UUP2013Prof | UUP Professionals list |
UUPAcademics | [no description available] |
UUPProfesnls | [no description available] |
VoceraUsers | Users of Vocera |
VSCar | Vascular CardioThoracic Conference Listserv |
VSf | Vascular Surgery Fellows |
VSguests | Outside VS Listserv |
VSNep | Vascular Surgery Nephrology Listserv |
VSNeu | Vascular Surgery Neurology Conference Listserv |
VSp | Vascular Surgery Provider Listserv |
VSs | Vascular Surgery Staff Listserv |
Wh-set-utility | Utility Notices for WH-SET |
Wha-utility | Utility Notices for WHA |
Womeninmed | [no description available] |
www | [no description available] |
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