Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
AAHSLReads | AAHSL Reads book club list |
ActiveLrnCol | Active Learning Collaborative |
AdvPracSvc | [no description available] |
Ais | Administrative Information Systems, IMT |
AllTransplant | [no description available] |
AMA | [no description available] |
Ambbusmgr | [no description available] |
AmbIncComm | [no description available] |
AmbMedDir | [no description available] |
AMWA | [no description available] |
Anesthesia | [no description available] |
Aoa | [no description available] |
bac-utility | [no description available] |
Bing-campus | [no description available] |
board-unyoc | [no description available] |
burnecho | [no description available] |
CC-admin-SD | CC Executive Council, SD's, and Admin |
CC-Faculty | [no description available] |
CEUCourses | [no description available] |
CFListserve | [no description available] |
Cgh-utility | Utility Notices for CG |
CHnotify | Community Hospital Physical Plant/Construction Notifications |
CHPDean | Dean's Office |
CHPFacultyStaff | CHP Faculty and Staff |
CHPNews | [no description available] |
Clerkprecept | Family Medicine Clerkship Preceptors |
clintox | Clin Tox |
CMF | Christian Medical Fellowship |
CNYEMgroup | NYSHEEM – New York State Higher Education Emergency Management Group |
CNYRTC | Central NY Healthcare Training Center (Emergency Management) |
CollegeOfHealthProfessions | College Of Health Professions |
Comm-Utility | [no description available] |
Connectlibrary | [no description available] |
cpsgrant | CPS Grant List |
Cwb-roc-cc-utility | Utility Notices for CWB and ROC |
Cycling | Cycling |
Diversion | ED Diversion Email List |
DiversityEquityInclusion | Upstate's mailing list for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. |
ECMO | [no description available] |
EMECHO | [no description available] |
EMIG | Emergency Med Interest Group |
EMT-EMS | [no description available] |
endoecho | [no description available] |
EpicAllUsers | Epic - All users of System |
EpicAmbulatoryProviders | [no description available] |
EpicAncillary | Epic - All Ancillary Staff |
EpicBeacon | [no description available] |
EpicBilling | [no description available] |
EpicBillingHB | [no description available] |
EpicBillingPB | [no description available] |
EpicCC | Epic Change Control |
EpicDown | Epic Production Downtime Announcements |
EpicDownTech | Epic Prod and Non-Prod Downtime Notices for IMT Staff |
EpicNonclinical | Epic - All Non-Clinical Staff |
EpicNurses | [no description available] |
EpicProviders | Epic - All Provider Staff |
EpicRadiant | [no description available] |
EpicResearch | [no description available] |
EpicSchedRegPAS | [no description available] |
EpicStork | [no description available] |
EpicUpgrade | [no description available] |
EpicWillow | [no description available] |
Equity | [no description available] |
Et-utility | Utility Notices for ET |
Ethics | Ethics Discussion List |
Ew-bh-utility | Utility Notices for EW and BH |
FA-Projects | [no description available] |
FacEdSeminar | Faculty Development Seminars |
Faculty | Faculty Discussion List |
Fellowship | [no description available] |
Fmedall | All Family Med Faculty & Staff |
Fmedfac | Department of Family Medicine Faculty |
Fmri-l | fMRI, DTI, and associated MRI technology |
FoundationAllocations | Foundation Allocations |
Gamma-utility | Utility Notices for Gamma Knife Building |
Gen-assem | [no description available] |
genecho | [no description available] |
geriecho | [no description available] |
GFO | Faculty in College of Graduate Studies |
Gfwis | [no description available] |
GradStudies | Graduate Student list serve |
GSC | [no description available] |
Gt-utility | [no description available] |
HIT | [no description available] |
HospEmps | [no description available] |
HPStudent | Health Professions Students |
Ihp-utility | Utility Notices for IHP |
IIBMST | [no description available] |
IMC | [no description available] |
Imso | [no description available] |
IMTAIS | [no description available] |
IMTAlert | [no description available] |
IMTALL | [no description available] |
IMTAMB | [no description available] |
IMTCIO | [no description available] |
IMTCLINENG | [no description available] |
IMTCS | [no description available] |
IMTEDCOM | [no description available] |
IMTHART | [no description available] |
IMTHIS | [no description available] |
IMTHSA | [no description available] |
IMTISO | [no description available] |
IMTMgmt | [no description available] |
IMTMgmtAll | [no description available] |
IMTMGRS | [no description available] |
IMTNS | [no description available] |
IMTONS | [no description available] |
IMTTELECOM | [no description available] |
InTheNews | [no description available] |
IntlStudents | International Students Association |
IPA-users | [no description available] |
Jh-cab-ct-utility | Utility Notices for JH, CAB, and CT |
JMA | [no description available] |
JoslinEd | Joslin Education |
JosProv-time | Joslin Provier time off requests |
kronos-mgr-lic | Kronos managers list for Catherine Powers |
LabFormCtte | Laboratory Formulary Committee |
labupdates | [no description available] |
LawsonUsers | [no description available] |
Lib-utility | Utility Notices for LIB |
library-staff | [no description available] |
LightSound | [no description available] |
mdphd | [no description available] |
Med-Safety | Medication Safety |
Med2025 | [no description available] |
Med2026 | [no description available] |
Med2027 | Medical students graduating in 2027 |
MED2028 | MED2028 |
MedEdJC | Medical Education Journal Club |
mgmtforumboth | [no description available] |
MINDFUL-E | [no description available] |
Msfc | [no description available] |
nab-utility | [no description available] |
Nappi-Utility | Nappi Building Utilities |
nrb-utility | Utility Notices for NRB |
Nserf | [no description available] |
Nursing-CE | [no description available] |
nursingnews | Nursing News List |
OB-Gyn-IG | OB-Gyn Interest Group |
obgyn-dept | obgyn department |
Obgynecho | [no description available] |
Offcamp-utility | Utility Notices for OFFCAMP |
Omicronalpha | Omicron Alpha Mail List |
ONSREQ | [no description available] |
OpTimes | [no description available] |
ORProviders | ORProviders |
PDResilience | Pediatric Program Director Resilience |
pedsecho | [no description available] |
PedsRelief | [no description available] |
pert | Pulmonary Embolism Response Team |
PharmUpdates | Information from Upstate University Hospital Pharmacy Services |
PLASTICS201 | Mailing List of the Plastic Surgery 201 Network |
pmct2018 | [no description available] |
PNHP | Upstate Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program |
Postdoctoral-Associates | Current Upstate Postdocs |
Preceptors | [no description available] |
PsychDept | PsychDept Mailing List |
Registration | Registration List Serv |
Research_affiliates | [no description available] |
RMSP | Rural Medical Scholars Program |
RTAC | [no description available] |
SailPoint_Project | [no description available] |
SailPoint_Technical | [no description available] |
SANEECHO | [no description available] |
SentactUsers | [no description available] |
SharedGov | [no description available] |
Sil-b49-utility | Utility Notices for SIL and B49 |
Sjhfac | [no description available] |
Sjhres | [no description available] |
Sl-utility | Utility Notices for Sarah Loguen Child Care Center |
SLDoctorals | [no description available] |
SleepyTimes | [no description available] |
SNMA | [no description available] |
SSO | [no description available] |
stopthebleed | [no description available] |
Stroke | Regional Stroke Advisory Council |
Students | All Students at Upstate Medical University |
SUNY-AHC-VPR | [no description available] |
SUNYElecProf | [no description available] |
Tableau | [no description available] |
tableau-dev | [no description available] |
thor-consortium | thor-consortium |
toxhealth | [no description available] |
toxnews | Toxicology News and Case Conference Distribution |
toxvtc | Video Teleconference List |
TxpProviders | [no description available] |
Uh-hockey | Univeristy Hockey |
Uh-utility | Utility Notices for UH |
UHCampus | [no description available] |
UME-Phase1 | UME Phase 1 |
UmedBkStore | [no description available] |
UMU_Testing | [no description available] |
UndocTaskForce | Immigrant Student Task Force |
UNIXTEST | Unix Test Email List |
unyoc-planning | [no description available] |
Upstate-library | [no description available] |
Upstate-pc | Poison Center Public Education |
UpstateData | [no description available] |
Usc | [no description available] |
UUP | United University Professionals |
UUP2013Prof | UUP Professionals list |
UUPAcademics | [no description available] |
UUPProfesnls | [no description available] |
VoceraUsers | Users of Vocera |
VSCar | Vascular CardioThoracic Conference Listserv |
VSf | Vascular Surgery Fellows |
VSguests | Outside VS Listserv |
VSNep | Vascular Surgery Nephrology Listserv |
VSNeu | Vascular Surgery Neurology Conference Listserv |
VSp | Vascular Surgery Provider Listserv |
VSs | Vascular Surgery Staff Listserv |
Wh-set-utility | Utility Notices for WH-SET |
Wha-utility | Utility Notices for WHA |
Womeninmed | [no description available] |
www | [no description available] |
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